
Shareradio is a web radio channel based at CAG Olmi in Baggio.

Shareradio was started with the intent to promote social cohesion in the area through radio, considering that the core principles of radio are communicating and teaching communication.

A group of 20 volunteers (from 16 to 40 years old) share their passion for radio, devoting time to:

  • Weekly radio shows directly from the Olmi studio that discuss music, community associations, youth culture, civil rights, free time, sports, and passions.
  • Live events (both in the area and in the rest of the city) with the dual purpose of providing a service to the host (the radio, streaming live for the audience at the event, accompanying interactions and activities of the event) and documents the event.
  • Media education workshops that are aimed at young people with an interest in learning audio-visual tools, deciphering messages from the media that are constantly aimed towards us, and tools that help us communicate online (from texting to social media) with greater awareness.
  • Collaboration on radio projects with young people, through the easy use of “smart” technology, has proved to be a great tool for promoting cooperation and working on and deepening youth-related topics (territorial affiliation, risky behavior, social gathering in public spaces, and intergenerational relationships). Above all, these projects focus on young people.


Address: Via dei Larici 2, Milan


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